uitverkies chosen
(Company registration no: 002-795-NPO)
Our Philosophy
We're centred around the belief in the inherent worth and potential of every individual, recognising
that each resident has unique strengths, abilities, and aspirations. We view our residents as active
participants in their own therapy and respect their autonomy and dignity throughout the process.
We, therefore, embrace a person-centred philosophy that guides our approach and interactions with
the residents under our care.
Furthermore, we are committed to providing compassionate, holistic, and evidence-based care. We
aim to empower individuals, promote their well-being, and foster a sense of purpose, fulfilment,
and meaningful participation in their communities.
Above all, our philosophy is grounded in empathy, respect, and a deep commitment to making a
positive difference in the lives of our residents.
The Free State Residential Care Centre was founded in 1981 and is a registered NPO (NPO 002-795)
with Article 18A status. The Centre comprises of 5 hostels and 2 houses at Bloemendal Road, Rayton,
in the City of Bloemfontein, Mangaung Metro.
The Centre provides specialised and affordable accommodation in a safe environment with 24-hour
care to adults between the ages 18-60 with intellectual disabilities. The aim is for residents to
become as actively involved in society as possible, to live with dignity, security and community,
and to experience a life which is meaningful.
A large number of the current residents are orphans or come from a disadvantaged socio-economic
The Centre is administrated by a Governing Board which consists of professional people from the
community, two of which (according to the Constitution) should be a parent/family member of
existing residents. We are dedicated to providing a warm and nurturing environment for all our
residents. The support services we offer our residents include professional nursing, occupational
therapy, social work and recreational activities. Our professional staff are required to develop
individualized care plans for each resident.
The Centre offers protected workshops where beneficiaries with intellectual disabilities get the
opportunity to develop and practice various occupational skills. Beneficiaries also work in the
laundry, cleaning services, kitchen, garden and maintenance areas of the Centre. Transport is
provided for beneficiaries to and from the Centre, and to various medical and other services not
provided on the premises
Vrystaat Nasorgsentrum is primarily dependent on subsidies from the Department of Social
Development and family contributions for its survival. Partnerships with the business community
and civil society, are important to secure a safe and sustainable living and working environment for
our beneficiaries.
Centre Profile
We empower through: