uitverkies chosen
(Company registration no: 002-795-NPO)
Do you wish to become part of the Vrystaat Nasorg Family?
In order to apply for your loved one, please ensure that the following criteria is adhered to:
1. Person must be diagnosed with Intellectual Disability
2. Person must have an IQ of 30-70
3. Person must be between the age of 18 and 40
4. Person above 40 will only be admitted if transferred from a similar institution or if found acceptable by the selecting Committee
5. Person must be independent regarding self-care e.g., bathing and dressing
6. Person must be able to comprehend instructions in Afrikaans, English or Sesotho and be understandable to others
7. The application of a person with a brain injury will be thoroughly examined
8. The person must receive a SASSA disability grant
9. An additional monthly fee will be expected from the parent/guardian. The ammount will be subjected to change on a yearly basis
10. Intakes occur twice a year, in February and July